They hold 32 euros in loans for every euro of capital they have on hand, according to international monetary fund data. 国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)的数据显示,德国银行业手头每持有1欧元资本,就会放出32欧元贷款。
The great advantage of the endowment, says the dean, is that it enables the school to fund its own independent research rather than relying on hand-outs from government or corporations. 莱特教授表示,拥有大量捐款的主要优势是,它使学院有能力资助自己的独立研究,而无须依靠政府或公司的施舍。
If CIC does receive payment in return for the shares, the fund will nearly double overnight the amount of liquid cash on hand for investing. 如果中投真的得到补偿款项,该基金手头可用于投资的流动资金将在一夜间接近翻倍。
As to open-end fund, because of its mechanism of subscription and redemption, on one hand, excellent investment profits irritate investors to offer to buy eagerly, which makes its assets to expand rapidly at scale and brings wealth to fund manager; 对开放式基金而言,一方面,由于它具有追加认购和解约赎回机制,当投资业绩优异时,会刺激投资者踊跃认购,从而使其资产管理规模迅速扩大,基金管理人因此可获利丰厚;
Pricing internal fund transfers is a significant part in banking management since it is a basic factor on price making on one hand, and it has impacts on institutions and departments 'performances and recompenses. 内部资金转移价格一方面是银行对外产品准确定价的基础条件之一,另一方面,也会影响银行系统内各机构和部门的绩效和报酬,因此,在银行管理中具有非常重要的意义。
One of major factors is on one hand the development time for our insurance, bond and fund is so limited, And on the other hand, the our financial market and commodity market has the low validity. 其主要原因在于一方面保险、债券和基金在我国发展时间较短,发展规模较小,另一方面我国金融市场和商品市场的有效性较低。
To complete the governance structure of securities investment fund in our country, it shall start from two aspects: on one hand, take the strengthening of fiduciary duty of fund manager as the foundation to improve fund governance structure. 完善我国证券投资基金的治理结构主要应从两方面入手:一方面是将强化基金管理人的信赖义务作为改善基金治理结构的基础。
On the one hand, it is the inevitable trend of development for the fund industry; on the other hand, it is bound to make more and more intense competition. 一方面,这是基金业发展的必然趋势;另一方面,也势必会使得竞争越来越激烈。
On the one hand, they effectively regulate the fund for the material configuration, on the other hand, they posed an invisible menace to the financial security of the countries due to the great amount of midst operations and get into debt operating mode. 一方面跨国银行有效的调节了资金在全球的资源配置,另一方面众多的中间业务与负债经营模式,也对各国的金融安全造成了隐形威胁。
On one hand the fund management companies use the funds performance for marketing; on the other hand they improve the investment skills according to the performance. 基金公司一方面为了吸引投资,利用其业绩表现进行市场营销;另一方面会根据绩效改进投资操作,提高盈利水平。
Because of the serious absence of each fund interest subject, on one hand, relevant constraint to fund handlers has been soften and the effective control cannot be carried out. 由于基金的各个利益主体存在严重缺位问题,一方面,对基金经理人的相关约束软化,无法实行有效的规制。